Understanding Flex Header and Standard Import Templates
When importing orders or receipts, there are currently two options each for import—'Flex Header' import templates and the standard import templates.
Understanding the Differences
- Flex Header allows for more flexibility editing headers and flex fields to come in receivers and orders.
- Receiver and Order
- All headers that are present must be used.
- You have to save in a header-based text tab.
- Benefits
- Order - can import something as incomplete
- Both - can save both types of custom fields: the saved elements on the order - applies just to the order) or line item saved elements (ex. Gross Weight, anything you need to apply a data value to that the system doesn’t already account for)
- Both - Custom fields capture custom information in two ways: to include additional information under the Custom Order Info section on a transaction, or for the addition of a transactional line item when you want to have additional grid columns. (Customers > Custom Fields - where you create them and make them optional/mandatory)
- Custom fields purpose: create custom, trackable data field throughout the system - can get custom reports made - used in EDI
- Standard templates are not flexible.
- You only have to use the blue headers.
- All have to save in text-tab delimited with no headers.
- Item Alias -
*Compare different fields!!!