March 9, 2022 – Maintenance Release Notes
Up to 1 hour of downtime anticipated between 20:00 and 21:00 PT (23:00 and 24:00 ET)
New + Improved
WMS-18939 – Shopify API: Updated our pre-wired Shopify integration to, upon closing an order, report back the specific order line items that were fulfilled, rather than reporting that the entire order was fulfilled. This will more accurately support scenarios where a 3PL is responsible for fulfilling only a portion of the Shopify order with other line items being fulfilled through other channels.
WMS-20718 – Small Parcel: Optimized the behavior of the Print HVP Batches dialog to reduce potential timeouts.
WMS-20758 – Left Navigation: With the sunset of the Classic Mobile barcode scanning application, we have removed the link in the left navigation menu to the Classic Mobile Printing page, which was used solely to configure MU label-printing options for Classic Mobile.
WMS-17981 – Receipt Imports: Updated the import process when using "View list of ASNs after file validation" to display an error if the import file includes an invalid SKU. Previously, no error was displayed, but the system displayed an empty list of ASNs due to the invalid SKU error.
WMS-19363 – SmartScan Receipts: Resolved an issue when adding a receipt line item and selecting the "Split MU" option where a movable unit (MU) would print only for the first MU and not for the rest of the split MUs.
WMS-19726 – Receipt Imports: Addressed an issue when importing receipts with the "flex header" template and using the "Split MU" option where the first MU created would receive a valid MU label and the rest of the split MUs would all get an MU label of "systemset".
WMS-20091 – Small Parcel: Corrected an issue where the "Print ZPL Labels by Default" Small Parcel setting was not being honored by batch label requests for 2 or more orders.
WMS-20240 – Receipt Imports: Resolved an issue when importing receipts with the Receipt (with MU and Catch Weight) Import Template and using the "Split MU" option where the first MU created would receive a valid MU label and the rest of the split MUs would all get an MU label of "systemset".
WMS-20243 – Manage Items: Addressed an issue where you could enter decimal values when defining units of measure (UOMs) that are non-divisible, such as "eaches" and "boxes". Similarly, updated the Create/Edit Receipt page to prevent you from entering decimal quantities when receiving items with non-divisible quantities. This applies to both primary and secondary quantity fields in the Add Receipt Line Item dialog.
WMS-20503 – Create/Edit Order: Corrected an issue where contacts with "contact codes" that contained non-numeric characters (letters) would not display in the Advanced Lookup grid.
WMS-20602 – Order Imports: Updated the import parser to parse the entire file and return with a list of all file errors so you can see all problems that need to be fixed. Previously, the parser would halt at the first error encountered, never checking to see if the file contained other errors.
WMS-20724 – SmartScan Pack: Resolved a couple issues in the Pack from Shelves feature to make it more efficient to use:
- When the Pack from Shelves page opens, the focus is now on the "Add a Package" field so you can scan a package barcode to add a package to the order, if desired. Tapping the field still opens the drop-down list to select a package manually.
- When scanning a SKU to select a line to pick, fixed an issue where focus was placed on the SKU field even if the pick line included a location or MU that needed to be verified. Note that the SKU field will still be validated based on the initial SKU/UPC scan, but the updated behavior is to put focus first on the Location field, then advance to the SKU field where you can continue to scan to increment the quantity, if desired.
WMS-20805 – Receipt Imports: Corrected an error in the instructions on the Receipt (with MU and Catch Weight) Import Template to indicate that you should delete the first two rows when preparing the file for import, not the first five rows as the instructions previously noted.