September 7, 2022 – Maintenance Release Notes
Up to 1 hour of downtime anticipated between 20:00 and 21:00 PT (23:00 and 24:00 ET)
New + Improved
WMS-22477 – Find Orders: Updated system behavior when generating packing slips so the custom packing slip templates appear above the standard template. This makes it so the custom template will be the default selection. Note that if there are multiple custom templates, they are listed in alphabetical order, so the first custom template in the list will effectively be the default selection when the packing slip modal loads.
WMS-23069 – Adjust Inventory (BETA): Optimized some of the database queries used when adjust inventory to reduce the opportunity for timeout errors.
WMS-21071 – SmartScan Pick: Resolved an issue when scanning to increment quantity where SmartScan would advance to the Done button without warning once the correct quantity was scanned. This could cause you to complete the pick unexpectedly by scanning the SKU more than was needed. Note that this issue occurred intermittently and only on Zebra devices.
WMS-22344 – SmartScan Receipts: Addressed an issue when receiving by secondary UOM where the line item quantity was not being properly split across multiple movable units as it should be when using the "Split MU" option.
WMS-22812 – SmartScan Pick: Corrected an issue when attempting to pick an order with multiple line items for the same SKU where each line item is in a different location. In this scenario, scanning by location to select a line item to pick could result in SmartScan thinking you wre attempting to mis-pick rather than selecting the line item to pick that corresponded to the location being scanned.
WMS-23071 – Charge Adjustments (BETA): Resolved an issue where you could not enter a negative value (credit) when creating a charge adjustment.
WMS-23091 – Small Parcel: Addressed an issue where the Small Parcel Ship Date was populating in the UI correctly but not in the API.
WMS-23188 – Small Parcel: Corrected an issue where, when voiding a label failed, the system triggered the wrong error message.
WMS-23347 – Small Parcel: Optimized the rate shopping API calls with the Parcel API. In development of this optimization, we also resolved errors where "Object Null reference" and "No rate" were being returned.
WMS-23348 – Small Parcel: Resolved an issue where having the customer setting "Close order when a connection updates tracking information" enabled was causing high-volume processing (HVP) to fail with the Parcel API.