Wave Automation
This page shows you how to create automation of wave picking depending on the conditions of the orders.
Wave Automation allows you to automate the creation of waves.
- The automation of waves is set up per order view and does not need to be automated for each view.
- Once the system meets the criteria you set up (ex. Gets to 10 orders) a wave will be created.
To automate a wave, go to Orders > Wave Picking > Automation. Notice that all Order Views are available.

Configuration of wave automation
Setup the following fields:
- Config – Select to customize the automation for this view only or create a new Shared Config that can be used on other Order Views for automation purposes.
- Wave Prefix – Any prefix you want to add to the name of the Wave.
- Wave Pick Queue – This allows you to assign teams to queue picks.
- Pick Cart with Totes? – if selected, the wave will require the picker to use a pick cart with totes.
- Disabled – If selected, the automation will be disabled and not run per the configuration.
In the Config dropdown, you can select an existing config or select a new shared config.
- If you choose an existing config, the fields below are being populated by the selected config.
- If you select New Shared Config, the fields below will be blank for you to fill. If New Shared Config is selected, give the configuration a name
Notice the additional fields that populated. Fill in the fields based on the below:
- Config Name – The name you want to give to the new config.
- Minimum – Minimum number of X to be added to the wave
X = Whatever is chosen in Based On.
For example: At least 4 orders must be available to create a new wave.
Note: This is a minimum only. If the minimum is 4 but there are 12 orders in the queue at the time the automation runs, 12 orders will go on the wave.
- Maximum – Maximum number of X to be added to the wave
X = Whatever is chosen in Based On.
Example: max of 10 orders can go on each wave
Note: Currently A Jira for this not functioning correctly: TOP-1014: Wave Picking - Min/Max levels of config not being enforced
- Based On – Options are Order Count or Sum of Order Field > Select the relevant field. This allows a user to determine if they want to create a wave with X number of orders, or another field like order lines.
- Max Time to Wait – the maximum number of hours/minutes to wait before a new wave is created. Not required.
Once all selections are made, click Save.
If you are ready to turn on the Automation, switch the automation to ON, or click Run to run the automated job. Note. Be careful when doing this if you have a live connected integration, it may affect the regular updating of the integration into the system.
At the top of the Automation page, you can set a date for the wave automation to begin.
Important reminder
Once the automation is set up and on, the waves will be created based on the specified criteria. Once the criteria are met and the waves are created, they will be ready for picking in the mobile device as shown above.