Extensiv Integration Management Managed Inventory
This feature is in Beta and can only be enabled by Integration Management support.
In most cases, Extensiv Integration Management handles inventory levels as a passthrough between your Warehouse or Order Management system, and your order sources. In some cases where the backend system does not handle or support inventory management, Integration Management can be used to keep track of basic inventory levels.
Please note that Integration Management is not an Inventory Management System and if you need any advanced or bulk inventory management features you will need to look into a full Inventory Management System. Integration Management supports several of them including:
- Order Manager
- Zoho Inventory
How it Works
Managed Inventory in Integration Management will keep track of your inventory levels and decrement them as orders load. You can also adjust or receive new inventory levels in Integration Management as your inventory changes. These inventory levels will be synced to all of your order sources on a regular basis. The default timing is once per hour.
If you use a WMS or OMS system connected to Integration Management that has it's own inventory tracking, Managed Inventory must be disabled in Integration Management.
Managing Inventory
- You can view and add product in Integration Management by going to Merchant > Locations & Products and clicking on Add/View Products
You can adjust inventory levels in Integration Management by going to Merchant > Locations & Products and selecting a warehouse. Then find and select the desired product.
2. In the Adjust Quantity box, enter the amount to change inventory by as a positive or negative number. DO NOT enter the total quantity.
3. Always click Preview first and verify that the new amount is correct before clicking Save Changes