Per Transaction Receiving Scripts
Billing scripts are different for inbound and outbound orders. Each automatic billing script for receiving transactions is reviewed below.

To view each of these automatic billing scripts, navigate to Customers > Billing Wizard > Per Transaction Billing Setup > Receiving > Update.
Refer to Using the Billing Wizard for more specific guidelines on Per Transaction Billing Setup in 3PL Warehouse Manager.
When entering a value for a charge with the Data Type listed as 'decimal', be sure to include the decimal point (i.e., 3.00).
Port Transportation and FSC
This rate will charge for container pick-up and drop-off, as well as fuel surcharge.
Step 1: Configure the script
- For the Drayage charge, enter the price to charge for the received container.
- Select a Capacity Type from the drop-down menu.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat this step for each capacity type that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Step 2: Set the capacity type
To set a capacity type for the automatic billing script, navigate to the Find Receipts page and edit a relevant receipt. In the 'Transport Information' section, select a Capacity Type for transporting the received items.
Step 3: Add a fuel surcharge
You can add a fuel surcharge (FSC) to a receipt for a specific customer or apply the charge to all of your customers.

To configure the FSC for a specific customer, navigate to Customers > Manage Customers and edit a relevant customer. Under Receipt Options > Options, enter a 'Fuel surcharge Percentage'.
To configure the FSC for your warehouse, navigate to Warehouse > Manage Warehouse and edit a relevant warehouse. Under Customizations, enter a 'Fuel Surcharge'.
If the Customer FSC is set to 0, the script will use the Warehouse FSC.
Capacity Based Fee
This rate will charge for loading and unloading of the received items, based on the container or trailer size.
Step 1: Configure the script
- For the Charge, enter the price for the container being used for the receipt.
- Select a Capacity Type from the drop-down menu.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 2 for each capacity type that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Step 2: Set the capacity type
To set a capacity type for the automatic billing script, navigate to the Find Receipts page and edit a relevant receipt. In the 'Transport Information' section, select a Capacity Type for transporting the received items.
Per Carton Charge
This rate will charge the quantity in the NumUnits1 field multiplied by the value of the charge.
- For the Charge, enter the price for each carton (or other packaging unit) being received.
- Click Save.
Per Pallet Fee
This rate will charge the number of unique pallets received, multiplied by the value of the charge. Please note that your customer will still be charged for the full pallet if a pallet is only partially allocated.
- For the Charge, enter the price per unique pallet ID being received.
- Click Save.
Tiered Carton Count Fee
This rate will charge a flat fee based on the tier that the total packaging unit quantity falls into. To further illustrate how these charges are calculated, see the following example:
- If the total packaging unit quantity on a receipt equaled 124 or less, the charge would equal $250.
- If the total packaging unit quantity equaled 125 to 249, the charge would equal $300.
- If the total packaging unit quantity equaled 250 to 349, the charge would equal $450.
- If the total packaging unit quantity equaled 250 to 399, the charge would equal $500.
- If the total packaging unit quantity equaled 400 or more, the charge would equal $600.
To configure your tiers, use the following steps:
- For the Default charge, enter the price to charge if the total packaging unit quantity on a receipt is more than the highest tier.
- For the Tiered Charges, enter the price to charge for receiving up to a certain packaging unit quantity in the following format: TotalPackagingUnits: Fee. (e.g., If you specified 125:250 and received 124 packaging units or less on a receipt, the charge would equal $250.)
- For each additional tier, select Add and Repeat Step 2. Be sure to list tiered charges from lowest quantity to largest quantity.
- Click Save.
- Once saved, you must enter the 'Number of Packaging Units' below the Receipt Line Items grid before you confirm the receipt and calculate the charges.
Tiered Carton Count by Capacity Type
This rate will escalate charges based on container size and quantity of cartons.
- For the Default charge, enter the price to charge for receiving the total number of packaging units (NumUnits1) larger than the highest tiered charge.
- For the Tiered Charges, enter the price to charge for receiving the total number of packaging units (NumUnits1) less than the tier amount specified in the following format: TotalPackagingUnits:Fee.
Optional:Â Add or Delete multiple tiered charges, listing the charges from lowest quantity to largest quantity.
For example, if you set up the following tiers, the charges would calculate as such:- 5:10 = If you receive a total quantity of 4 or less, the charge equals $10.
- 10:15 = If you receive a total quantity of 5 to 9, the charge equals $15.
- 20:18 = If you receive a total quantity of 10 to 19, the charge equals $18.
- If you receive a total quantity of 20 or more, the default amount is charged.
- Select a Capacity Type from the drop-down menu.
- Optional:Â Add or Delete multiple different container types to charge the same fee.
- Click Save.
Per Transaction Fee
This rate will be charged once a transaction is complete.
- For the Charge, enter the price for each transaction being received (i.e., BOL fee, processing fee).
- Click Save.
Data Entry Fee
This rate will charge data entry fees based on who entered a transaction.
- For the Charge, enter the price amount for the entry fee.
- From the drop-down menu, select the Entry Methods that will apply the fee when used (e.g., ManualWarehouseUser, ManualCustomerUser, FTP, API).
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 2 for each capacity type that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Carrier Fee
This rate will charge a flat rate based on the carrier selected for a transaction. Please note that this charge can use any of the default carriers populated on the Manage Carriers page, but custom carriers are not supported.
- For the Charge, enter the price amount for the carrier usage fee.
- From the drop-down menu, select the Carrier that will apply the fee when used (e.g., UPS, USPS, DHL, FedEx, etc).
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 2 for each carrier that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del
- Click Save.
Carrier Per Carton Fee
This rate will charge a tiered rate based on the carrier selected and the quantity of cartons. Please note that this charge can use any of the default carriers populated on the Manage Carriers page, but custom carriers are not supported.
If using Quickbooks, use the Carrier Per Carton Fee (QuickBooks) script below.
- For the Default charge, enter the price to charge for receiving the total number of packaging units (NumUnits1) larger than the highest tiered charge.
- For the Tiered Charges, enter the price to charge for receiving the total number of packaging units (NumUnits1) less than the tier amount specified in the following format: TotalPackagingUnits:Fee.
Optional:Â Add or Delete multiple tiered charges, listing the charges from lowest quantity to largest quantity.
For example, if you set up the following tiers, the charges would calculate as such:- 5:10 = If you receive a total quantity of 4 or less, the charge equals $10.
- 10:15 = If you receive a total quantity of 5 to 9, the charge equals $15.
- 20:18 = If you receive a total quantity of 10 to 19, the charge equals $18.
- If you receive a total quantity of 20 or more, the default amount is charged.
- Select the Carrier used for the receipt (e.g., UPS, USPS, DHL, FedEx, etc) from the drop-down menu.
- Optional:Â Add or Delete different carriers to charge the same fee.
- Click Save.
Rush Transaction Fee
This rate will charge for processing receipts after a designated cut-off time.
- For the Charge, enter the price for the transaction being rushed.
- For the Shipping Cutoff Time, enter the receiving cut-off time (applies only for day of creation).
- Click Save.
Primary Quantity Receiving Fee
This rate will be charged for each primary unit on the receipt.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for every primary UOM received in the order.
- Click Save.
Container Receiving
This rate will charge for all-inclusive container receiving and devanning fees.
- For the Devanning charge, enter the price to charge for removing the container from the vehicle.
- For the Pier Pass charge, enter the price to charge for bringing in a container through pier access.
- For the Drayage charge, enter the price to charge for the container.
- Select a Capacity Type from the drop-down menu.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 4 for each capacity type that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Carton vs Pallet Fee
This rate will charge based on whether you are receiving cartons or pallets.
- For the Charge Per NumUnit1 (cartons), enter the price for the total number of packaged units on a receipt.
- For the Charge Per NumUnit2 (pallets), enter the price for the total number of packaged units on a receipt.
- Click Save.
Movable Unit Storage Upon Receipt
This rate will determine if the full month or half month rate should be billed based on the Split Day.
- For the Value of the Day of month to split on, enter the Split Day for the month.
- For the Value of the Full month storage charge, enter the price to charge for a full month of receipts processed before the Split Day.
- For the Value of the Half month storage charge, enter the price to charge for a half month of receipts processed before the Split Day.
- Click Save.
Movable Unit Charge by Type
This rate will charge a receiving by Movable Unit (MU) type.
MU types are set up under Admin > Movable Units. For more information, please see Defining Movable Unit Types.
- For The charge per MU of this type, enter a price for each MU on the inbound order.
- Select the Movable Unit Types you want to use to set this rate.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 2 for each MU type that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Unique SKU Receiving Fee
This rate will be charged for each unique SKU on a receipt.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for every unique SKU on a receipt.
- Click Save.
Per SKU Minimum Receiving Charge
This rate will set up a minimum charge and a per item charge, then charge the per item multiplied by the item count, or the minimum charge, whichever is greater.
- For the Charge per Item, enter the price to charge per item received.
- For the Minimum Charge by SKU, enter the minimum price to charge per SKU on the receipt.
- Click Save.
Item Classification Fee
This rate will charge an item classification fee.
Classifications are set up under Items > Manage Classifications. For more information, please see Managing Classifications.
- For the Item Classification, select a classification to charge on the receipt.
- For the Charge, enter the price you would like to receive an item under that classification.
- Click Save.
MU by Type Storage Upon Receipt
This rate will be charged for each MU type for storage upon receiving items.
MU types are set up under Admin > Movable Units. For more information, please see Defining Movable Unit Types.
- For the Split Day for storage charges, enter the Split Day for the month.
- For the Full month storage charge, enter the price to charge for a full month for inbound orders processed before the Split Day.
- For the Half-month storage charge, enter the price to charge for a half month for inbound orders processed before the Split Day.
- Select the Movable Unit Types you want to use to set this rate.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 4 for each MU type that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Billing by Weight and Carrier – Receiving
This rate will charge for the total weight received on a receipt. Please note that this charge can use any of the default carriers populated on the Manage Carriers page, but custom carriers are not supported.
- For the Charge, enter the price amount for the carrier usage fee.
- Select the Carrier that will apply the fee when used (e.g., UPS, USPS, DHL, FedEx, etc).
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 2 for each carrier that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Pro-Rated Receiving by Weight
This rate will charge the pro-rated receiving weight by multiplying the total weight and the number of days within a month, then dividing that by the number of days in the month.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for the weight being received.
- Click Save.
Primary vs Packaging UOM
This rate will charge for either the primary unit or the packaging unit on a receipt.
Please note that the first two rates associated with this fee reflect standard rates that apply to all SKUs, and the last two rates only apply to a specified SKU—these specific rates are used any time you need to charge a different rate for a specific item. For more information, please refer to the information listed for this billing script in Item-Based Handling Fees.
- For the Rate per Primary Unit, enter the price to charge for every primary unit being received.
- For the Rate per Packaging Unit, enter the price to charge for every packaging unit being received.
- Optional: For the Rate per Primary Unit of a specified SKU, enter the price to charge for each primary unit of a specified SKU using the following format: Item ID:Rate. Click Add and repeat this step for each SKU that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Optional: For the Rate per Packaging Unit of a specified SKU, enter the price to charge for each packaging unit of a specified SKU using the following format: Item ID:Rate. Click Add and repeat this step for each SKU that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Movable Unit Weight Charge
This rate will charge based on the weight of all MUs associated with a receipt. Note that the weight measurement is based off the standard defined in your warehouse setup.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for the MU weight being received.
- Click Save.
Short Ton (2000 lbs) Movable Unit Weight Charge
This rate will charge based on the total MU for each Short Ton being received.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for the Short Ton being received.
- Click Save.
Rounding Packaging Unit Handling Script
This rate will charge the total number of packaging units based on the number of primary units per packaging unit and round up any partial quantities.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for the packaging units being received.
- Click Save.
Please note that the system calculates the receipt charges per line item, rather than calculating the charges cumulatively. For example, if a SKU is configured with 12 primary units per packaging unit and a receipt contains four separate line items for this SKU with varying quantities, the system will divide each line item quantity by the number of primary units per packaging unit and round up each value as such:
- 105 (line item quantity) / 12 (primary units per packaging unit) = 8.75 --> rounds to 9
- 29 (line item quantity) / 12 (primary units per packaging unit) = 2.4167 --> rounds to 2
- 6 (line item quantity) / 12 (primary units per packaging unit) = .5 --> rounds to 1
- 31 (line item quantity) / 12 (primary units per packaging unit) = 2.5833 --> rounds to 3
- Sum: 9 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 15
Rounding Packaging Unit Storage Script
This rate will charge the total number of packaging units based on the number of primary units per packaging unit and round up any partial quantities, then will apply the full or half month rate.
- For the Split day for storage charges, enter the Split Day for the month.
- For the Full month storage charge, enter the price to charge for a full month for inbound orders processed before the Split Day.
- For the Half month storage charge, enter the price to charge for a half month for inbound orders processed before the Split Day.
- Click Save.
Pro-Rated Volume Storage
This rate will charge the number of days remaining in the month multiplied by the volume of the receipt, which is multiplied by a rate.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for each day remaining in the month.
- Click Save.
MU by Item Lot Number
This rate will charge based on the Split Date and item/lot by MU.
- For the Split day for storage charges, enter the Split Day for the month.
- For the Full month storage charge, enter the price to charge for a full month of storage.
- For the Half month storage charge, enter the price to charge for a half month of storage.
- Select the Movable Unit Types you want to use to set this rate.
- Click Save.
Carrier Per Carton Fee (QuickBooks)
This rate is meant to use in conjunction with QuickBooks and will charge a tiered rate based on the carrier selected and the quantity of cartons.
Please note that this charge can use any of the default carriers populated on the Manage Carriers page, but custom carriers are not supported.
- For the Default charge, enter the price to charge for receiving the total number of packaging units (NumUnits1) larger than the highest tiered charge.
- For the Tiered Charges, enter the price to charge for receiving the total number of packaging units (NumUnits1) less than the tier amount specified in the following format: TotalPackagingUnits:Fee.
Optional:Â Add or Delete multiple tiered charges, listing the charges from lowest quantity to largest quantity.
For example, if you set up the following tiers, the charges would calculate as such:- 5:10 = If you receive a total quantity of 4 or less, the charge equals $10.
- 10:15 = If you receive a total quantity of 5 to 9, the charge equals $15.
- 20:18 = If you receive a total quantity of 10 to 19, the charge equals $18.
- If you receive a total quantity of 20 or more, the default amount is charged.
- Select the Carrier used and tier charged for receiving (e.g., UPS, USPS, DHL, FedEx, etc) from the drop-down menu.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 4 for each carrier that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Movable Unit Sq Ft Billing
This rate will charge each square foot on a pallet, or MU, within a specific transaction.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for each square foot occupied on the pallet being received.
- Select the Movable Unit Types you want to use to set this rate.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 2 for each MU type that requires this specific rate. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Rate Per Cubic Foot (Package Base)
This rate will charge per cubic foot based on the total package volume.
- For the Rate Per CuFt, enter the price to charge per cubic foot of the total package volume being received.
- Click Save.
Per Day Per Movable Unit Charge
This rate will charge per unique MU per day of storage.
- For the Per Day Per Pallet charge, enter the price to charge per day per pallet being stored.
- Click Save.
Hundred Weight by Lot
This rate will charge per unique lot number grouped by the hundred weight (CWT).
- For the Rate Per Hundred CWT, enter the price to charge per hundred weight.
- Click Save.
Non-Preferred Carrier Fee Per UOM
This rate will charge a specific rate for each carrier that is not listed as a preferred carrier. Please note that this charge can use any of the default carriers populated on the Manage Carriers page, but custom carriers are not supported.
- For the Charge, enter the price to charge for each carrier not listed in the system.
- Select the Preferred Carrier from the drop-down menu.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 2 for each preferred carrier. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Select the Unit of Measure from the drop-down menu.
- Optional: Click Add and repeat Step 4 for each UOM that requires this specific rate outside of the preferred carrier. To delete a specified rate, click Del.
- Click Save.
Weight by Lot with Min.
This rate will charge per lot number, grouped by a unique weight, with the option to apply a minimum line item charge.
- For the Rate Per Packaging Weight, enter the price to charge for each packaging weight being received.
- For the Min Charge Per Lot, enter the minimum price to charge per lot.
- Click Save.