How Extensiv Integration Manager Handles Errors and Retrying
Errors and Alerts
Any time a system connected to Extensiv Integration Manager has an error while we communicate with it, Integration Manager will report that error message to the warehouse or merchant account in the Alerts tab. The Integration Manager alert will display the message received by that system, as well as any relevant information Integration Manager knows such as the specific order number or product code affected.
Automatic Retrying
Integration Manager will automatically retry most errors/alerts to automatically resolve them. If Integration Manager is able to resolve an issue, the alert in the Integration Manager Alerts tab will be dismissed automatically.
Alerts that always require manual interaction, such as an address error or a ship method mapping error, will not be retried until a user has updated the order in Integration Manager. Integration Manager will send a notification email for these issues requiring further interaction.
Orders that fail sending to the WMS will be re-tried once per hour. You can also trigger them to-resend immediately by editing them or selecting "Resend to WMS" from the Integration Manager Orders page.
- Other failures like tracking and inventory will be retried every time Integration Manager communicates with that system.
Any record that fails too many times in a row will eventually be skipped by Integration Manager. An alert will be raised and you can manually trigger the record to be re-sent once corrected in Integration Manager. For Orders sending to the WMS, Integration Manager will try sending each individual order for about 15 days before it stops trying. Other failures will try for a few days up to a month depending on the frequency we communicate with that system.
Integration Manager will send emails to all alert contacts for any errors/alerts that Integration Manager can not resolve automatically. You can set your frequency that you receive alert emails in the Profile & Billing section of your account.
Certain alerts, such as missing ship method mapping, will trigger an immediate email to the alert contacts. These emails will contain a direct link to resolve the issue.