Viewing Stock Edit History
In the Inventory Module, you can find a feature that would allow you to view your stock edit history. This includes timestamps of when edits such as adding, deleting, or adjusting stocks were made. The data in this window will also show how many stocks were added or deleted or adjusted and who made those edits. This will also display notes such as why those edits were made.
You can access this report by clicking on the View History button in the Stock Details section.

You also have the option to Export the Stock Edit History:
- In the main Inventory view, click Export > Export Stock Edit History
- Select the warehouse you want to generate the report for.
NOTE: This will only export up to the last six months of data and what is in the Extensiv Network Manager UI.
- Click Export Stock Edit History
- Check your email - you should be receiving an email with the Stock Edit History Export shortly.
The export file that is generated will include data on what Master SKU was edited, when, by which user, at which location, what the exact edit action was, and the Edit Description.
It will not show whether an edit was made manually by a user in the UI versus via the API or FTP, but you can indeed filter by the User column to see edits that were made by teammates as opposed to an edit made by "Extensiv Network Manager".